
How To Fearlessly Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy


Unplanned pregnancy also know as  unintended pregnancies is a prevalent occurrence worldwide, and can have significant implications on women’s health in general. Latest research estimates that approximately 50% of all pregnancies in South Africa are unplanned, highlighting a significant public health concern that impacts many individuals across the nation.

So How do Unplanned Pregnancies Occur?

1 **Contraception  failure** Various methods, such as birth control pills and injections, have a success rate of about 80 to 90 % in preventing unintended pregnancies when used correctly and consistently.

  • However, there are cases where these methods can fail, for instance, forgetting to take a pill at the same time daily can greatly reduce its effectiveness. 

What Should i do When in Doubt?


Should you still doubt how you feeling, its advisable to either use a home pregnancy test to determine whether you are pregnant, or get a blood test done especially if there are concerns regarding the accuracy of the results obtained from over-the-counter testing methods.

So are you pregnant?

The actual answer would be provided by using a home pregnancy test that checks for hCG, a hormone made during pregnancy or get an ultrasound scan. But even before that there could be early pregnancy symptoms signs that indicate that you’re pregnant. Eg:- 

  • Fatigue
  • Missed period 
  • Constipation
  • Light spotting
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tender / swollen breasts
  • Increased urination

But also bear in mind that not all of those signs and pregnancy symptoms are associated to being pregnant. In fact, some of these indicators can also signal that you might be coming down with an illness or that your menstrual period is approaching.

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This is How You Can Fearlessly Handle Unintended Pregnancy!

When faced with a pregnancy that was unplanned, you need to know that you’re not alone. The staff at Oasis women’s clinics can assist you navigate this situation with a clear mind or follow the strategies below to help  you maintain your composure in uncertainty, stress, and anxiety.

So What Are My Options?

It is essential to recognize that not all unintended pregnancies are viewed as unwanted. In fact, many individuals may still embrace the situation with joy and hope for the future. However you have 3 other options that you can consider carefully. ….

1- Parenting

If you decide to continue with the pregnancy and become a parent, it is essential to prioritize pregnancy care which encompasses a variety of aspects, including regular medical check-ups, proper nutrition, prenatal vitamins, and emotional support, both critical aspects of you and the baby.

2- Foster care

If you find yourself uncertain about the prospect of adoption, yet simultaneously question your ability to adequately care for a baby, exploring options such as foster care or kinship placements might serve as a viable temporary solution. 

3- Adoption

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and believe that you need additional time to adequately prepare for the multitude of responsibilities and challenges that come with becoming a full-time parent, it is important to know that there are viable alternatives like adoption.

4- Abortion

If parenting and adoption are not paths you wish to pursue, then considering other complex options like legally terminating the pregnancy would be the last option for those facing unforeseen pregnancies. 

Learn More:-

Where to Seek Guidance

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, there are several resources available to provide guidance and support. You can consider reaching out to organizations such as Carlton Women’s Clinic in Johannesburg, local health departments, or pregnancy resource centers.

Those organizations offer counseling services and information about options for unplanned pregnancies and can also provide referrals to medical professionals or social services.


No matter what decision you make, remember that it’s your journey and your choice. Take the time to explore your options and if you need guidance or professional support, schedule a confidential Telehealth appointment with Oasis women’s health clinic to speak with a trained counselor.

Frequently Asked Questions !

Can contraception fail to work?

Yes ! Although contraception is a key component preventing inadvertent pregnancies it can sometimes fail especially in instances like starting the birth control pills at the wrong time or not clearly following the instructions of using the gadget properly Eg:- Condoms.

Honestly telling your family—especially your parents—is quite nerve-racking. But you need to open up and tell your family how much you appreciate their support when you discuss your unanticipated pregnancy with them.

You can also try finding  a social care counselor to assist you tell your family about the unplanned pregnancy on your behalf.

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